北京華商力拓國際展覽有限公司是一家專業以策劃、組織各類會議、展覽的招展、設計與搭建的國際展覽公司;主要提供各行業知名國際展覽會的參展、參觀、簽證咨詢、地接、展品運輸、海外市場推廣等服務及咨詢業務。 公司擁有一支充滿活力、勇于創新的高素質專業團隊,已建立了完善的現代企業制度。公司以專業化、國際化為發展方向,致力于為國內企業拓展海外市場提供{gx}、便捷、周到的服務。為客戶提供最及時的信息、最詳盡的咨詢、最細致的服務。 華商力拓全體員工,感謝新老客戶的關注和支持,將與您攜手并進,共創美好明天! Beijing Huashang Rio Tinto International Exhibition Co., LTD. is a professional exhibition company which offers to plan and design all kinds ofconferences and exhibitions, design and build exhibition places. Its services includes exhibiting, visiting, visa consulting, ground service, exhibits transporting, oversea market expanding and so on and relevant consulting services. Our company has built up a perfect modern enterprise systerm and has a high-quality staff who are vibrant and innovative. And regarding the specialization and internationalization as our aims, we are working hard to supply efficient, convenient and considerate services. We can give you the most timely information, the most detailed consultation and the most careful service. Thanks for your attention and support. Cooperating with you, we are trying our best to create a better and better future!