? 公司擁有專業的設計、策劃團隊、咨詢顧問、生產車間,可為不同的客戶加工定做業務, 服務于各種展銷會各企業商場的宣傳活動、促銷活動、各大公司大型聚會、年會、開業慶典、 各大中小學校演出活動、以及政府部門公益宣傳活動等。
? 公司秉承“打造{yl}精品,設計{yl}品質,做出{yl}服務”的經營理念,為廣大客戶提供優質的服務。?
??Beijing Sinman Jindian Cultural Development Co.,Ltd, is a brand planning, event exhibition, models etiquette, performance apparel production, leasing and others service as the core of the professional company, the business includes wide range of various types services, such as corporate meetings, annual celebrations, exhibitions, events, models rituals, theatrical performances,