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聯系人:王敬     手機:13810332096     地址:北京市大興區西紅門
主營: 雄鷹手拉葫蘆 雄鷹牌手拉葫蘆 雄鷹手拉葫蘆廠家 雄鷹手拉葫蘆型號 雄鷹手拉葫蘆分類 雄鷹手拉葫蘆HSZ-80A 雄鷹手拉葫蘆HSA 雄鷹手拉葫蘆HSZ-80C 雄鷹手拉葫蘆HSZ-80B 雄鷹手拉葫蘆HSZ-80E 雄鷹手拉葫蘆HSZ-80CB 雄鷹手扳葫蘆 雄鷹單軌滑車

北京手拉葫蘆|北京雄鷹手拉葫蘆-北京起重工具廠是專業生產雄鷹手拉葫蘆,北京雄鷹手拉葫蘆,雄鷹牌手拉葫蘆、雄鷹手拉葫蘆廠家,雄鷹手拉葫蘆型號,雄鷹手拉葫蘆分類,雄鷹手拉葫蘆HSZ-80A,雄鷹手拉葫蘆HSA,雄鷹手拉葫蘆HSZ-80C,雄鷹手拉葫蘆HSZ-80E,雄鷹手拉葫蘆HSZ-80B,雄鷹手拉葫蘆HSZ-80CB,雄鷹手扳葫蘆,北京雄鷹手扳葫蘆,雄鷹單軌滑車,北京雄鷹單軌行車、農用日光節能溫室卷簾機及其他中小型起重工具的國有企業。現為全國手動葫蘆行業專業委員會理事長單位。 我廠始建于1956年,現在生產的多品種、多系列的"雄鷹"牌產品在國內外享有較高的知名度,產品主要銷往歐洲、美國等發達國家和地區,在國內的重點工程和大中企業中被廣泛使用。 “雄鷹”牌手拉葫蘆質量過硬,許多客戶專認“雄鷹” 在同行業中我廠率先取得了ISO9001:2000版質量管理體系認證和德國萊茵公司核發的CE安全認證。我們將本著'管理科學,優質{gx},尊信守約,顧客至上'的質量方針,竭誠為廣大用戶提供優良的產品和服務。 Ladies and Gentlemen, Welcome to our factory's website! Beijing Hoist Tool Factory, a state-owned factory, is specialized in chain block , level block, plain trolley, domestic energy-saving screen rollers and other hoist tool equipments, is run by Capital University of Economics and Business, and a leading member of the professional executive committee of the National Chain Block Industry Organization. Our factory was established in 1956. It produces a series of 'Eagle'brand of products, which enjoys prestigious reputation in the national and overseas markets. Most produces are exported to Europe, North America, and other developed countries and regions. They enjoy wide popularity internationally and domestically. Our factory is the first in the industry to be awarded ISO9001: Year 2000 Version in Quality system Certificate and CE Safety Certificate by the Germany Ryin Company. Our motto is "Scientific Management, High Quality and Efficiency in Production, Commitment to Contracts, and Customer-comes-First "and our commitment to clients is quality products and services.

【 14 年 免費會員 】
雄鷹手拉葫蘆-北京雄鷹手拉葫蘆-北京開源起重工具廠手拉葫蘆符合歐洲CE安全標準,手拉葫蘆帶反向逆止剎車的減速器和鏈條滑輪組的結合, 手拉葫蘆安全可靠,經久耐用,性能好、維修簡便,體積小、重量輕,手拉葫蘆攜帶方便,手拉力小、效率高,結構先進、外形美觀,手拉葫蘆主要型號:HSZ手拉葫蘆、HS-V手拉葫蘆、HS-VN手拉葫蘆、HS-VT手拉葫蘆、HSY手拉葫蘆、HS-C手拉葫蘆、QM手拉葫蘆、VS手拉
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