連云港金川海藻有限公司位于江蘇省連云港市東??h山左口工業園。我公司主要以海帶為原料,生產海藻酸鈉、碘等產品,其中碘年產量10噸,海藻酸鈉1000噸。 公司現有工人一百多人,中高級以上技術人員28人,生產工藝先進,檢測手段完善,管理嚴格到位,產品質量已臻{yl}。已銷往國內十多個省市和東南亞及非洲等多個國家和地區。 公司宗旨是:產品至真至純,服務至臻至誠。 竭誠歡迎廣大客戶垂詢。 The Lienyungang Jinchuan seaweed limited company is located JiangsuProvince Lienyungang city East China Sea county Shan Zuokou theindustry garden. The our company mainly take the kelp as the rawmaterial, the production sea alginic acid sodium, product and so onidodine, mannitol, idodine annual output 10 tons, sea alginic acidsodium 1,000 tons. Company existing worker more than 100 people, center high-level abovetechnical personnel 28 people, production craft advanced, theexamination method is perfect, the management strictly arrives, theproduct quality reached first-class. Has sold to domestic more than 10provinces and cities and Southeast Asia and Africa and so on manycountries and the area. The company objective is: The product to isreally pure, serves to reaches most sincerely. Wholeheartedly welcomethe general customers to deign to inquire.