東莞市日東超聲波機械有限公司是一家專業從事超聲波設備及服務為一體的超聲波科技企業。為創造客戶價值,多年來,日東持續改進并引進先進的生產工藝,嚴格控制產品質量;不斷加大技術開發的力度和投入,在超聲波設備制造方面不斷的推陳出新;品質性能不斷得到完善和提高。 公司本著“誠信經營、質量過硬、顧客至上”的經營理念;奉行“質量求生存” 、“誠信求發展”的宗旨,大膽開拓,勇于創新;客戶的需求就是我們的追求。 產品涉及:超聲波自動化工業設備,專業解決布類裁切應用方案(分條、切片、裁切)。 為滿足客戶需要,分別為客戶提供專送、專運、專修、專配服務;公司的高速發展為同仁們提供了廣闊的發展空間;我們真誠期待與海內、外朋友的合作,攜手共進,共創日東美好明天。 RiDong company specialized in ultrasound equipment and services as one of the ultrasound technology enterprises. To create customer value, over the years, RiDong continued to improve and introduce advanced production technology and strict control of product quality; increasing the intensity of technological development and investment, ultrasonic equipment manufacturers in the continuous innovation; Constantly improve the quality of performance and improve. Companies in “good faith management, excellent quality, customer first” business philosophy of “quality of survival”, “integrity and development” the purpose of developing bold and innovative; customer needs is our pursuit. Products involved: ultrasonuic industrial automation equipment, professional settlement of the crop category of the Programme (minutes of the slies, cut). To meet customer needs, were sent to the customers , the movement, concentration, the distribution services; We sincerely look forward to working with Hainei, a friend of the cooperation, join hands to create a better tomorrow on the RiDong company.