本公司常年生產和加工發酵黑蒜,黑蒜醬等供應國內外市場.歡迎國內外公司及個人來電來函來人洽購. 其中供應國內市場為每袋六頭.供應日本市場為每袋5頭.供應歐洲市場為每袋六頭.黑蒜醬200克/袋,. 歡迎{dj2}地區代理.黑蒜每箱40袋,黑蒜醬每箱40袋.地區{dj2}代理500箱/{zd1}每月(限出口).價格與沈陽辦事處聯系.The company perennial production and processing of fermented black garlic, ferment black garlic sauce, and supply foreign markets . Welcome foreign companies and individuals congregations visitor to place an order for it. Supply the European market , the first class fermented black garlic of six /per bag . (The price of above includes freight,insurance / CIF). 20 g fermented black garlic sauce /per bag for. Agencies exclusive welcome. One box containers 40 bags of fermented black garlic only.One box containers 40 bags of fermented black garlic sauce only. regional sole agent 500 cartons /per monthly .