2003年以來,在PU助劑和有機硅功能化學品市場默默耕耘,獲得業界認可,佛山市力信化工有限公司不僅是可靠的渠道商,同時提供個性化復配產品,已成功為多個客戶設計解決方案。 源自道康寧的有機硅功能化學品解決:脫模,消泡,潤滑,流平,光澤度等問題,歡迎垂詢。 Lison is pursuing high standards in PU Additives and Silicone Performance Chemicals Market since 2003 and is well recognized in the industry. Lison is not only a reliable distributor but also a supplier of specific products.We have successfully designed many solutions for our customers. Original Dow Corning Silicone Performance Chemicals are used as: release agents, antifoams, lubricants, leveling agents, and polish agents. For inquiries, please contact us.