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聯系人:徐森     手機:013646206331     地址:中國 江蘇 蘇州市 蘇州工業園區東富路東景工業坊13#
主營: 發動機系統裝配系列;行駛系統裝配系列;傳動系統裝配系列;制動系統裝配系列;轉向系統裝配系列;車身附件裝配系列;電氣設備裝配系列;船艇裝配、測試設備;食品生產、包裝、輸送設備;電氣裝配、檢測設備;工裝夾具;其它設備;

非常感謝大家關注汽車工業設備制造商——蘇州工業園區格比機電有限公司。 GAGB成立于2004年,地處中國——新加坡蘇州工業園區,是一家國際性技術設備制造公司。 在汽車工業領域中,GAGB的產品覆蓋汽車七大系列系統組裝:發動機系統裝配系列,行駛系統裝配系列,傳動系統裝配系列,制動系統裝配系列,轉向系統裝配系統,車身附件裝配系列,電氣設備裝配系列。 GAGB最重要戰略之一就是快速客戶響應,力爭為您提供快捷,可靠,高品質的服務。 GAGB以“值得信賴,充滿活力,追求wm”為品牌內涵。 GAGB宗旨: 以承諾工作誠信為基本準則 以獲得您的信任支持為起點 以滿足客戶生產需求為過程 以雙贏互利共同發展為目標 以我們{yx}理解合作為榮譽 GAGB實力 經驗傳承實力 體系決定品質 創新改變未來 GAGB服務 一切為了您的滿意 一切為了您的利益 一切只為更好 Thanks very much for paying attention to the equipments manufactory of the car industry ----GAGB. GAGB is established in 2004, and is located in China-Singapore Suzhou industrial park, GAGB is a global technology equipment manufacturing company. In the field of auto industry, the products of GAGB cover seven major car series systems assembly: engine system assembly series, moving system assembly series, transmission systems assembly series, braking system assembly series, turning system assembly series, body annex assembly system, electric equipment assembly system. One of the most important strategies of GAGB is to response to customers quickly; strive to provide fast, reliable, high-quality services for you. GAGB considers “Deserve trust, be full of vitality, Pursue perfect” as Brand connotation. GAGB purposes Take commitment work trustworthiness as basic standard Take acquiring your trust support as point of departure Take satisfying customer’s production need as process Take double win, Mutual benefit, and together development as target Take our excellent comprehension and cooperation as honor GAGB strength Experience spreads to strength System decides the quality Innovation change the future GAGB service All for your satisfaction All for your benefits All only for the better

【 18 年 免費會員 】