中山市匯奇金屬制品廠位于交通發達,方便快捷的珠江三角西南部,毗鄰港澳地區的中山市南頭鎮——新崛起的一個家電工業重鎮。 中山市匯奇金屬制品廠是一家專業生產攪拌刀,打冰刀,豆漿網及各種家電五金配件的廠家。自建廠以來,匯奇全體員工通過狠抓產品質量和不斷完善管理方法,以先進的生產設備,經驗豐富的技術人員為保證,使產品不斷精益求精,遠銷國內外,并為國內外廠家的多個zmpp攪拌機所采用,深受廣大客商青睞,因而具有極高的市場占有率,在國內已享有盛譽。 如今,我廠秉承開拓進取,創新務實,顧客至上,質量{dy}的經營理念,誠摯希望能夠與全球廣大的知名廠家建立良好的合作伙伴關系,一同發展,共創輝煌! Zhongshan Huiqi Metal Factory is a hardware craft manufacturer that lies in Nantou Town,Zhongshan City. Huiqi, is a professional factory producing products export of various hardware fittings. The main products are stirrer (fitting of mixer), soybean milk meshy filter and ice file, etc. Our products, especially the stirrer, which was adopted by many famous-brand mixers, seize big occupation of market and earn good reputation from the buyers , both domestic and abroad. Huiqi pledged you the most preferential benefit price, the highest quality product ,the most first-class service and the prestige. We welcome custom orders. We sincerely look forward to develop long term and friendly cooperation with all kinds of customers widely on the basis of equality and mutual benefit. Huiqi hopes to create brilliance with you !