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超級獵聘人才網 廣告


聯系人:邱偉忠     手機:15118833540     地址:廣東深圳羅湖區翠竹路新港鴻花園洪湖閣1703室
主營: 熱水器;小家電;煙灶;消毒柜

奇田電器始創于1989年,是中國家用燃氣快速熱水器最早獲得生產許可證的專業制造商之一,注冊商標"奇田”牌。奇田擁有雄厚的技術力量、先進的生產和質檢設備,集科研、開發、制造、銷售和服務于ytdytl經營模式,大大降低了成本,讓利于消費者。因多年來的專業制造經驗,其產品是歷年國家監督抽檢合格好產品。現已發展為以燃氣熱水器、爐具、抽油煙機、xd碗柜、電熱水器、小家電等系列的專業制造廠家,產品遠銷國內外! 奇田電器始終堅持以“質量{dy}、用戶至上”的服務宗旨,確立“一切以用戶滿意為目的”的治司理念,以“真誠創造好生活”為已任,真誠為廣大消費者提供優質的產品和服務,深受廣大用戶的喜愛和信任,在市場上有很高的知名度和美譽度! 經過不斷的調整、發展和壯大,憑借可靠的產品質量和不斷創新的市場運作,市場占有率穩步上升,現已成為家電行業令人矚目的品牌! Odd the field of electronics was founded in 1989, china is home to the gas and water production licenses professional manufacturer of the registered trademark is a field ". a field have rich technical force and the advanced production equipment, and how to set the research, development and manufacture, sale and services of a business model, greatly reducing the cost to consumers, on. for many years of professional experience and its products throughout the country was the sampling qualified good products.Has now developed into a gas water heaters, stoves, 抽油煙機, disinfect the cupboard, electric water heaters, 小家電 for professional the manufacturer. our products are sold at home and abroad! A field of electric has always adhered to the "quality first, consumers first" purpose "all, to establish a user satisfaction for the purpose of" for the concept of "truly, to create better life, has, for the customers with high-quality products and services of extensive consumer love and trust in the market is very high recognition and 美譽度! After constant adjustment, development and growth, with reliable product quality and innovation, the property market increased steadily, and now has become a household electrical appliances business is outstanding brand!

【 12 年 免費會員 】