GIG 建有符合ISO/IEC17025國際標準的化學前處理室、有機檢測室、無機檢測室、玩具檢測室等檢測實驗室。實驗室具有中國合格評定國家認可委員會(CNAS)、計量認證(CMA)及美國消費品安全委員會(CPSC)的認可資質。GIG是德國TUV萊茵的認可實驗室,同時與寧波出入境檢驗檢疫局建立緊密合作關系。基于CNAS與ILAC-MRA國際實驗室認可合作組織多邊互認協(xié)議,與北美、歐洲等地的67個國家和地區(qū)達成的互認,GIG的檢測報告具有國際公信力。
GIG Tesing is a branch of Green International Group, it is professional, independent, righteous third-party laboratory and China’s leading product testing, inspection, certification and consulting firm. We are specialized in providing one-step solution for manufacturing enterprises, processing enterprises, Import &Export Cooperation such as electronic equipment, lightings, plastic machinery, vehicle accessories, textile products, toy and stationery, daily consumption sand so on.
GIG Laboratory which meets the international standard of ISO/IEC 17025 includes Chemical Pretreatment Room, Organic Testing Room, Inorganic Testing Room, Toy Inspecting Room, etc. The Laboratory owns the admission of qualification from China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment (Abbreviation: CNAS), the admission of qualification from Consumer Product Safety Commission (Abbreviation: CPSC) in the USA.