河北省內丘縣冠實石材廠成立于1998年,以生產加工文化石為主,工廠緊鄰石英巖、砂巖礦山,毗鄰板巖礦山。依托礦山優勢,經過十幾年的不斷摸索與發展,已經非常透徹的了解了不同種類,以及同一類別不同礦山的各種原材料的紋理、色澤、硬度、層理等特性。進而根據每種原料的特性不同“因材施教”加工成不同風格的產品。主要產品有:膠粘文化石、蘑菇石、平板、網貼、馬賽克等五大類,數十小類的產品,風格各異任您選擇。 Guanshi stone factory was established in 1998, mainly produces and processes cultured stone.Our factory closes to quartzite, sandstone mine, adjacent to the slate mine. After ten years of exploration,we deeply understood the texture,color,hardness,level texture and other features of material.And according to the characteristics of each material, processed into different styles of products. Our main products are: adhesive cultured stone, mushroom stone, panels and tiles, paving with net backing, mosaics and other five categories, dozens of products,You can choose anyone you love ...... ?? ???? ???? ?? ??????? 1998? ????? ??? ???? ??? ?? ??? ? ?? ???? . ??????? ???,????,????? ????? ??? ?? ?????,??????,????? ???? ?? ?? ?? ???? ?????? ??? ??? ???????.???? ??? ?? ???? ???? ??,??,?? ?? ?? ??? ????.??????? ???,???? ??,???? ??,???? ????,?????? ? ????? ??? ????? ????.