本公司自上世紀90年代初期于香港成立以來一直為快速起飛中的中國化工及電子產業提供優質的進口原材料及專業的產品技術服務,十多年來陸續于中國各地建立分公司拓展業務。為更貼近市場實時服務客戶,2007年1月于臺商投資最密集的江蘇省蘇州昆山市成立昆山國辰國際貿易有限公司,目前主要代理臺灣長春集團化工及電子相關原材料為長春集團華東區一級代理商,服務的市場包括皮革、涂料、油墨、印刷電路板、醫農藥中間體等行業。 公司主要經營產品如下: 環氧樹脂 電解銅箔 覆銅板 醋酸甲酯 四氫呋喃 其它涂料用原材料;如彈性樹脂,滑石粉………等 Since the foundation in early 1990’s in Hong Kong, our company is always devoted to providing dramatically prosperous Chinese chemical and electric industry with excellent import raw material as well as professional technical service. Over these 10 years, we’ve set up branches all over China for business expansion. In January,2007, for better market-updated and more real-time customer-oriented, Kunshan Guo Chen International Trading Co.,LTD was established in Kun Shan, Jiang Su province, which is a place concentrating Taiwanese investors. Currently, we’re the direct agent for Taiwan CCP group regarding chemical and electric raw material in East China. Our business scope covers industries like leather, paint, ink, printed circuit board, medical and pesticide intermediate and so on. Our main products involve: Epoxy Electro-Deposited Copper Foil Copper Clad Laminate Methyl Acetate THF Other raw material for paint