廣州市視顯電子科技有限公司(Guangzhou shixian electronics co., LTD)是一家開發、生產和銷售各種型號LCD電視系列、LED電視系列、3D液晶系列和網絡液晶電視等的專業液晶電視生產廠家。位于中國廣東省廣州市番禺區大石鎮. 工廠自有品牌視顯(S.Xian)/WANGPAI/VFY,并大量承攬國內外客戶朋友OEM,ODM定單業務及承接各種酒店及工程訂單.公司產品優勢,質量穩定,價格有競爭力,貨源充足,業務發展遍布國內外各大中小城市。 公司具有健全的組織架構、科學的戰略發展規劃、明確的企業目標和企業精神、{yx}的管理團隊和高素質的員工隊伍。在管理方法上,始終堅持科學、{gx}的現代化管理措施。在產品生產質量與品質方面嚴格按照“ISO9001:2000”質量管理體系標準執行。 服務宗旨:為客戶提供最有競爭力的產品,為客戶創造{zd0}的利潤空間,給予最及時滿意的服務。廣州市視顯電子科技有限公司歡迎各界朋友蒞臨參觀、洽談 Guangzhou shixian electronics co., LTD is a large-scale hi-tech factory, specialized in the research & development, manufacture and marketing of LCD TVs, LED TVs, LCD all-in-one computer TVs and IPTVs. It is located in Dashi town, Panyu District, Guangzhou City, a prosperous business district with convenient traffic. Our company not only produces TV products with own brand(S.XIAN/視顯),but also accepts OEM/ODM orders and all kinds of project & hotel orders. We are proud that our products are all with high quality & competitive price, and have received high acclaim from all our customers. Till to now, our business already spread all over the domestic cities and overseas countries. Our company possesses wholesome organization structure, scientific development blueprint, and clear enterprise target & spirit as well. We also have excellent management team and a high quality talents team. Our top management always persists managing our company with scientific, high-effective and modern methods. And we strictly control and administrate the quality of products according to the quality management system of ISO9001:2000. The service tenet of our company: provide the most competitive products in the market ,afford most timely ,satisfied service and create maximal profit for our customers. You are warmly welcome to visit Guangzhou SHIXIAN electronics co., LTD