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超級獵聘人才網 廣告


聯系人:霍翠麗     手機:13697402900     地址:廣東廣州市廣州
主營: 仿真花;仿真植物;假花;塑料花;人造花;仿真花藝;花藝設計;禮品花;裝飾花;插花;干花;絹花;仿真花批發;仿真花設計;仿真花貿易;廣東仿真花;仿真草皮;外貿仿真花;仿真花球;廣州仿真花

廣州雪艷花藝是仿真花(Artificial Flower)、仿真花束、仿真花卉、仿真植物、工藝花、假花、塑料花、人造花、仿真花藝、花藝設計、燈飾花、禮品花、裝飾花、gd花、酒店設計、大堂花藝等產品專業生產加工的私營獨資企業,公司總部設在廣州海珠區、越秀區,廣州雪艷仿真花擁有完整、科學的質量管理體系。廣州雪艷仿真花的誠信、實力、產品質量、資源信息共享、財富共享獲得業界的認可。有著多年的仿真花出口經驗,主要出口到東南亞、中東、歐洲等世界各地。歡迎各界朋友蒞臨廣州市雪艷花藝設計公司參觀、指導和業務洽談。同時拓展了電腦網絡銷售仿真花,方便了海內外的客戶,在網上可以直接洽談訂貨,因為網上有詳細的仿真花產品信息和圖片,有著更實惠的價格。謝謝! QQ:2294976813 Guangzhou Xueyan Flower Arts Co.,Ltd is a manufacturer specializing in the production of various kinds of emulational flowers, emulational plants, Craft flower, Artificial flower , Plastic flower, man-made flower, simulation flower arts , flower art design, gift flower, decorative flower , high-grade flower , hotel flower design , Lobby flower art etc…, we are a private-owned enterprises which has a complete and scientific quality management system and the Headquartered in Liwan district and Yuexiu district of Guangzhou. Guangzhou XueYan Flower Arts is well-knowed with the integrity and trust which has the years of export experience that is mainly exported to southeast Asia, Middle East, Europe, and the rest of the world. The strength, the quality are recognised by resources sharing and the information sharing in fortune. Our company have the years of export experience which is mainly exported to southeast Asia, Middle East, Europe, and the rest of the world. Guangzhou Xueyan Flower Arts Co.,Ltd warmly welcome you to visit and warmly welcome your advicing as well. It would be our pleasue to be established our business relationship with you. The extending computer network marketing service is available ,please place your order online in overseas. More details please go to the online inquiry, all the information, sample pictures and the best price are available here We are looking forward to hearing from you!

【 11 年 免費會員 】