廣州市浩倫服裝配料公司。我們公司成立于1999年,現已成為一家在飾品,廣告禮品,服裝輔料生產,銷售,等領域頗受廣大客戶好評價的專業公司。生產基地自創辦以來,堅持科技創新,不斷引進國內外先進設備,yl{zx1}潮流! 我們的經營范圍有: 1:商標類:專業生產PVC滴膠膠章,絲印電壓章,PVC飾品等質量優,價格合理。 2:飾品類:手機掛件,箱包掛飾,廣告禮品,匙扣等等。 愿{yl}的產品質量、{yl}的服務態度、竭誠為海內外顧客服務!熱誠歡迎中外客商前來洽談合作。廣交天下朋友,攜手共進,打造出一片更加燦爛的天空! Guangzhou Haolun Clothing Accessories Company founded in 1999 with a mission to creation and improvement. We specialize in printing all kinds of plastic materials and other sorts of cloths material. Being an innovator in this industry, we make much effort on product development and market research. Our business includes: 1. Logo: PVC labels, screen printing logos; 2. Gift: Hang tags, key chains. We will continue to offer competitive price, best quality and excellent service in appreciation to our dedicated clients. Welcome for custom designs from local and overseas buyers or for enquiries.