廣州市花都區炭步茶塘建材機械廠自1993年創辦以來,是一家集機械加工和鋁合金制品研發、生產、加工和銷售于一體的綜合性廠家。產品暢銷全國,出口海外。我們以“嚴密管理,以質為本”為宗旨,一直秉承“追求{zy1},品質優良,真誠服務”的經營理念,不斷研發創新,以優越的工藝技術和{zy1}的系列產品面向廣大客戶和合作伙伴。我們由最初的機械加工發展到至今以金屬鋁制品為主,機械加工為附,建立了良好的產銷系統,可以完成從設計、制模、鑄造、組裝、加工、工程安裝等。 Established in 1993, Guangzhou Chatang Construction Material & Machinery Factory is a comprehensive factory combining mechanical processing and aluminum alloy product developing,manufacture, processing and selling. Our product sells well domestically and oversea. Regarding the quality as survival base, we always follow our managing philosophy of pursuing excellence, high-quality and sincere service. With continuous development and innovation, we supply excellent technology and outstanding product to our customers and partners. From a small factory mainly relied on mechanical processing, we now become a comprehensive factory specialized in cast aluminum alloy product. We have built up a sound selling system and have the ability to design, mold, casting, assemble, process and project install.