歐西朗金屬制品有限公司系廣東歐西朗集團旗下公司,是一家集研發、設計、生產、銷售及服務為一體的大型現代化集團式公司,位于中國五金產業基地、中國建筑裝飾家具五金精品生產(采購)名鎮,擁有自營進出口權的外向型企業,成功打造中國zm“歐西朗OSRAN”品牌。自上世紀八十年代以來相繼成立配套專業工廠有:門控廠、家具配件廠、玻璃配件廠、電鍍廠、紙箱廠等。歷史悠久,專業性強,產品齊全,現擁有共計三萬平方米的標準化生產車間,大批數控沖、鉆、鋸、切、割、車、銑、刨、鏜、焊、磨等現代化生產設備,80%熟練技術人員,嚴格按照ISO9001國際質量管理體系。 Company Profile: OSRAN Inc is a large modern hardware manufacturer,It is engaged in product research and development, design, production,sales and service,has the right to import and export-oriented enterprise.Since 1980,OSRAN has set up professional factories: Building decoration hardware factory,Furniture hardware factory,Door and window hardware factory, Electroplating factory, Carton factory. Successfully created the famous "OSRAN" brand.OSRAN has 30,000 square meters of standard workshop, has many advanced modern equipment,such as punch, drill press, saw machine, cut machine, lathe, milling machine, planer,boring lathe, welding machine,grinding machine and so on,80% Skilled workers, in strict accordance with ISO9001 international quality management system