大中華國際交易廣場,位于深圳中心區的軸心位置。廣場擁有優越的周邊環境,北面與市民中心相望,南面是深圳會展中心;地鐵一號線和四號線在廣場的正下方交匯,廣場與地鐵網實現ljl無縫對接。大中華是深圳CBD惟一兼納綜合寫字樓、國際{dj0}酒店、國際會所、商業會展等多項功能的商務航空母艦。 Great International Exchange Square (GIES) is located at the center of Shenzhen CBD, right between City Hall and Shenzhen Convention Center. It is surrounded by great hotels, shopping mall, and clubs. Subway line 1 and line 4 intercepts at GIES. Port Huanggang and port Futian, the gateways to Hong Kong, are only minutes away.