湖州新絲揚服飾有限公司是生產和銷售真絲gd服飾產品的專業性企業。產品主要有真絲睡衣系列、真絲拉絨產品、針織內衣系列、晚禮服、休閑時尚服裝系列、床上用品、圍巾等產品和飾品。公司地處享有“絲綢之府、湖筆之鄉”美譽的浙江省湖州市高新技術開發區,緊靠太湖路直通318國道和104國道,并與杭寧高速和在建的滬杭浙皖高速相接,與上海、杭州、南京相距百余公里,真誠歡迎您聯系、合作。 Xinsiyang Garment company Ltd. Is a specialized enterprise which produces and sells high qulity all kinds of silk products, such as silk pyjammas, knitted underwear, home decorations, scarf, evening dress and casual fashionable clothes. The company is located in high-tech development zone, Hzhou,Zhejiang province, which is famous for silk and writing brush. it is close to Taihu road and connected to highway 318 and highway 104, and is joined to hangzhou-Nanjing highway and ShangHai-Jiangsu Anhui highway, which is being built. It is about 100kilometres away from Shanghai, Hangzhou and Nanjing, Welcome to contact us !