濟南志善紙業有限公司創辦于2000年。公司技術力量雄厚,擁有先進的專業造紙設備和獨特的造紙工藝,在特種濾紙系列產品的研發和生產方面取得了長足的進步和發展,先后榮獲 “重合同守信用企業”、“產品質量信得過單位”等榮譽稱號。公司以定性濾紙、定量濾紙、為主,產品采用國際標準生產,目前國內市場已有相當占有率。近年來,相繼研發生產了60g、80g絹花紙、270g濾油紙、電鍍濾紙、170g皺紋過濾紙等特種濾紙系列產品,產品符合國際標準,在科學研究及化工、醫藥、汽車、農業、環保等行業有著廣泛的應用,rxgnw市場。該系列濾油紙以純棉短絨、進口木漿為原料制成,具有良好的過濾吸收性能,受壓強度高,紙質均勻,濕強度極好,過濾精度高,使用壽命是一般濾油紙的一倍以上,廣泛應用于發電廠、化工廠、煉油廠、石油化工、冶煉廠、變壓器廠等。如過濾變壓器油、透平機油、潤滑油、液壓油、機油,溶融石蠟,油脂類比合成樹脂,葵二酸二辛脂等多種有機液體,以及過濾藥液,鍍液的雜質、水分。酸堿度呈中性,吸水性強,其作用是過濾布、過濾網所不能替代的,使用效果非常顯著。 公司備有“志善”牌國標及特殊大、小、方、圓、厚、薄等各種規格的精密過濾紙產品;也可根據使用單位的要求生產不同定量、不同規格的產品。 公司在提供標準產品的基礎上,更能以客戶的特殊需求為導向,進行按需定制加工。歡迎廣大采購商來電洽談,我們熱忱期待與您的合作。公司網站:www.jnzhishan.com Ji'nan Zhi Shan Paper Co. Ltd.in Shandong Province was founded in 1999.The company has a strong technical force with advanced professional paper making equipment and unique papermaking process. Focus on designing and producing of special filter paper products, the company made a great progress and developed steadily in recent years. It has been honored the title of “best enterprises who observe contract and keep promise faithfully” and the title of “ Product quality trustworthy.” Speculating on the designing and producing of oil filter paper, the series products of the company such as the 270g filter paper, electroplating filter paper and 170 g wrinkles through filter paper comply with international manufacturing standards, which sell well home and aboard. The products have been widely used in the field of scientific research, chemical industry, medicine, automobile, agriculture, environmental protection and other industries. This series of filter paper made from pure cotton linter, imported wood pulp has the good filtering absorption performance, high compressive strength, excellent wet strength, high precision filtration, and its service life is more than double the average filter paper. This series of filter paper has been widely used in power plants, chemical plants, oil refineries, petrochemical industry, smelting, transformer factory, etc.al. Such as filtering transformer oil, turbine oil, lubricating oil, hydraulic oil, engine oil, melt wax and grease analogy of synthetic resin, diacid dioctyl ester and such kinds of organic liquid, and liquid filtration, and filtering liquid, impurities and water solution. The Ph value of the series product is neutral. This series of filter paper has a strong water imbibition, which is irreplaceable by filter cloth, filter, etc. The using effect is very significant. The company produces "Chi-Shan" brand filter paper with national standards and other various specifications of the filter products, such as special big, small, square, round, thick, thin, etc. The company can also produce other filter paper products with different quantity, different specifications according to the requirement of the customer. Therefore, not only can we provide standard products, but also can we provide products of special needs and on-demand of customers. Welcome contacting us. We are sincerely looking forward to cooperating with you!