泰州市雙愛體育器材有限公司 成成:13961039363 手機:(0)13961039363 QQ : 705108584 郵箱: 705108584@qq.com 開戶行:泰州市農行野徐分理處 帳 號:217701040002323 泰州市雙愛體育器材有限公司是一家結合產品開發、生產、銷售的綜合性體育、休閑產品生產企業。公司成立于2002年,注冊資金500萬元。生產的籃球架系列體育器材由保險公司承保,江蘇省新農村建設萬村采購籃球架工程的中標企業,已通過國家體育用品質量監督檢測中心檢測。我公司主要銷售對象為國內體育產品生產銷售和國際外貿出口加工。公司有著多年的外貿生產經驗,生產的各類體育休閑健身用品已經出口到,西班牙、意大利、法國、英國、丹麥、加拿大、美國、澳大利亞等歐美國家。收到用戶的廣泛好評。并有多種外貿出口用拳頭產品。如:休閑足球門、休閑籃球架、各尺寸籃球圈、世界杯足球門、ABS吊環、健身帶、跳高架、沙灘排球架、高中低檔起跑器、冰球門、網球架、體育場地防風網、羽毛球架、乒乓球網架、跨欄架、壘球、棒球、籃球網、足球網、乒乓球網、羽毛球網、網球網、排球網、高爾夫球網架、曲棍球門、冰球門、重力球等。 歡迎廣大外貿客戶及國內客戶前來洽談、詢價。 Taizhou double love sports equipment Co., LTD. Is a set of product development, production and sales of integrated sports, leisure products production enterprise. The company was founded in 2002. The main product is sports equipment, sports rope nets, fitness equipment. Our company mainly for domestic sports products sales object production sales and international foreign trade export processing. The company has many years of production experience in foreign trade, and the production of all kinds of sports leisure fitness products have been exported to, Spain, Italy, France, Britain, Denmark, Canada, the United States, Australia and other countries in Europe and America. Users receive widespread praise. And there are a variety of foreign trade export products ............................