——我廠位于魏征的故鄉-河北省晉州市,這里307國道和石黃高速貫穿而過,交通非常便利。我廠是一家具有現代化毛巾生產企業,現有職工86人,織機30多臺. ——我廠主要生產“天潔”牌純棉、滌棉中gd毛巾系列,特殊產品系列,各種印花、電腦繡花等幾十個品種。本廠產品經過高溫xd,kj護膚,手感好,色彩鮮,吸水強,質量優,深受消費者的好評,本產品具有價格低,服務好,質量佳,容易打開市場,以誠信為本,求信譽至上。 本公司以“客戶至上,質量{dy}”為宗旨,以中紡部頒標準為生產準則。產品遠銷全國各省市。 ——現誠招各地客商及外貿代理商,以我之誠心實意,與更多的朋友多方位合作,共同發展。 This factory product after the high temperature disinfection, the antibacterial skin care, feel is good, the color is fresh, absorbs water strongly, the quality is superior, the depth consumer's high praise, this product has the price to be low, serves, the quality is good, easy to open the market, take the good faith as the book, asks the prestige to be supreme. This company “is supreme by the customer, the quality first” is an objective, proclaims the standard take China Textile Construction Company as the production criterion. The product sells in distant markets national various provinces and cities. is presently honest a move of regional merchant and the foreign trade business agent, by me sincere sincere, with more friend multi-position cooperation, communal development.