.樂豐國際供應鏈///專業老撾物流 廣州樂豐國際應鏈有限公司, 是一家興的國際應鏈物流提商,乘中國“一帶一路”東風, 南乃至東盟地區經濟快速發展,我們 致力于中國與南,中國與東南亞之間的國際進出口 海運整柜,散貨,陸運整車,陸運散貨,空運,快遞雙清到門服。 我們是一個具有豐富專業國際物流操作經驗,優良海關關系,強大船公司、航空公司關系的國際物流專業團隊。我們竭誠為國際物流同行,國內外生產廠家, 國際貿易商,提一個便捷,安,實惠的,優質物流服,合作共贏。 LEFENG GLOBL SUPPLY CHIN SOLUTIONS GUNGZHOU LTD is one of new international global supply chain solution providers. By the wind of Chinese “the Belt and Road” , Vietnam and south sia developing fast. We are focus on the “Import and Export” to door service of the Ocean FCL /LCL FULL truck LCL Truck air express between China and Vietnam China and South sia countries. We are the team with very professional and excellent operation experience of global logistic, We have very good relationship with Local customs, air company shipping carrier. We do our best to provide quality、 security service, with affordable?prices. We expected a WIN- WIN cooperation with you!