“東莞市瑞普電器科技有限公司”是一家致力于電器產品自主研發設計,生產,銷售ytl服務的專業生產廠家。 主要產品有國內墻壁插頭插座,英規BS插頭插座,美規漏電保護插頭插座(GFCI),英規漏電保護插頭插座(S.R.C.D)和歐規插頭及轉換插座等系列產品。 2009年開始,公司成立節能照明事業部,著力于電子節能燈,LED燈具產品的研發,設計與生產。主要有U型螺旋型電子節能燈,LED球泡燈,LED日光燈,LED軟燈條,數碼管,頻閃燈和點光源等城市亮化產品。 公司一直以來遵循“顧客至上,物所超值”的宗旨,并引進行業先進技術和精良設備,以其完善的測試手段、嚴格的管理措施,實現產品的獨特的制造、穩定的性能,在同行樹立了良好的口碑,多年來受到廣大客戶的一致好評! “瑞普電器”和“瑞普照明”的品牌將一如既往“取之社會,用之社會”為創造一個綠色、環保、節能的生活環境而努力。 歡迎各地經銷商、代理商、各界朋友前來洽談合作,愿我們共同發展、共創美好未來! Dong Guan Ruipu Electric Technology Co. Ltd, located in Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, China, is a professional company mainly specializing in Research and Development, production and marketing of electronic products. Our products include switch sockets, leakage protection series, ranging from domestic wall sockets, the British-standard BS sockets, the American-standard GFCI (Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter) sockets, to the British-regulated electricity leakage protection sockets (SRCD). Meanwhile, our company manufactures energy-saving lamps and LED lighting products. Our products cover the U-type and screw-type energy-saving lamps, LED bulbs, LED lamps, LED Flexible strips, LED nixie tubes, strobe lights and LED point sources. The company, having been committed to the principle of "customer foremost, get your money’s worth", has introduced advanced technology and sophisticated equipment. With its comprehensive test methods and strict management measures, our company has designed unique products of high quality, stabilized the prodict performance, therefore we have established good reputation over the years among our customers and clients!