本公司座落在上海嘉定黃渡工業園,這里有優量的交通環境在曹安公路旁,離上海市中心人民廣場二十八公里。北安線、860、翔黃線、嘉黃線、衛嘉線、旅游6號B線等可直達。有優厚的地力條件、這里西靠上海國際汽車城。有優厚的技術力量和雄厚的經濟基礎。我司常年高價回收學校、單位、公司、網吧、個人二手電腦、筆記本電腦、顯示器、打印機、主板、電源、內存、cpu、硬盤、光驅、鍵盤。我司專業組裝;維修電腦;網絡布線;網吧布線 公司電腦包年維護;常年招收學員.學習項目:電腦組裝維修;網絡工程;軟、硬件學習;軟件安裝;系統安裝;辦公自動化;圖片制作; 愿與廣大客戶攜手合作,共同發展。 This company is located in the Shanghai Jiading yellow crosses the industry garden, Here is a good transport environment in cao’an road, to the Shanghai town center people square 28 kilometers, beian line, 860 line, xianghuang line, jianghuang line, weijia line , to travel 6 B lines and so on to be possible to go directly. Has the munificent soil fertility condition, west here depending on the Shanghai international automobile city. Has the munificent technical force and the abundant economic basis. I take charge of year to year the high price to recycle the school, the unit, the company, the Internet bar, individual second-hand computer, the notebook, the monitor, the printer, the motherboard, the power source, the memory, cpu, the hard disk, the light to drive, the keyboard. I take charge of the specialized assembly; Services the computer; Network wiring; Internet bar wiring; Constructs the website; Company computer package of year maintenance; Year to year recruits the student. Study project: Computer assembly service; Network project; Software and hardware study; Software installment; System installation; Office automation; Picture manufacture; Is willing to cooperate hand in hand with the general customers, communal development.