深圳市納力電子有限公司成立于1999年,位于深圳市福永鎮和平村福園一路智鵬工業區1棟3樓 。現有6000平方米的現代化生產廠房,配備了模具,注塑,噴油,裝配等一系列配套設施,是專業生產各種收音機、計算器、萬年歷、計步器、計時器和電子禮品的生產廠家,公司集研究、開發、生產和銷售于一體,產品主要面向歐美和全球市場。 公司不斷開發出更多新穎,時尚,個性化的各類電子禮品,歡迎OEM和ODM訂單,若需更多了解公司信息,歡迎隨時與我們聯系。 Shenzhen Nicely Electronic Co., Ltd was established in 1999. Located in Shenzhen,China with 6000 square meters.( including the whole facilities of mould,injection,spray,assemble departments). We research ,development, manufacture and sell all kinds of radios, calculators, calendars,pedometers, timers and electronic gifts for global market. We continue to develop many novel, fashionable,bardian products. OEM and ODM order are welcome. Contact us now for more details.