臨沂市河東區大華機械廠座落在風景秀麗的沂河東溿,齊魯聞名的鳳凰嶺西麓,是河東區主要生產農業機械的廠家,重合同、守信用單位。近年來在地方黨委政府大力支持和優越環境培植下,得到了健康全面的發展。 Hedong District Dahua Machinery Factory of Linyi City is situated at the eastern bank of the beautiful Yihe River, the western foot of the Phoenix Mountain famous in Shandong and Shanxi Province, which is a major agricultural machinery manufacturer and is a contract-abiding and credit-keeping unit. The factory has been healthily and comprehensively developed under great supports and favorable environment from the local government in recent years. 本廠現有職工80余人其中設計工程師6名,本科畢業生13名,技校生10余名,技術力量雄厚,車間素質高。車間有鑄造、鍛打機加工、安裝流水線,近期研究人員已開發了錘片式FFC-45C、FFFC-45D粉碎機、FZR50、40、40B、320系列鍘草揉搓粉碎機和12型花生收獲機均獲省內sc。