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聯系人:袁瑛     手機:13518671185     地址:中國山東濟寧東104國道東春秋路北側
主營: 粉絲機 粉條機;淀粉機;面條機;飼料顆粒機;飼料機組;打捆機;打包機;打漿機;木粉顆粒機;木粉烘干機;鍘草機;粉碎機;有機肥設備;滾筒烘干機;雞糞烘干機;地瓜收獲機;洗薯機;固液分離機

坐落于世界歷史文化名城、孔子故里的中國·曲阜市應用科技研究所,系一家從事機械、食品、生物等現代生產技術及配套設備的研發、中試、推廣、銷售于一體的國有分支機構。 自1988年成立以來,堅持“以德做人、以誠做事”,“用科技關注生活”的經營理念,扎實走科研與生產相結合的產業化道路,經過多年的發展,現已初具規模,“科陽”牌系列產品暢銷全國各省市,并出口南韓、俄羅斯、泰國、馬里、法國等地。 新的征途中,“科陽”人仍將繼續堅持“質量鑄就品牌”的企業宗旨,悉心學習研究新科技,致力{zx1}科技成果轉化,竭誠為廣大客戶提供超值服務。 科陽,一個不懈進取的品牌企業,一支富有創造力的人才隊伍! 熱情、真誠、微笑、快速是“科陽”恪守的生存之道。   KEYANG industrial limited company is at the Confucius′ hometown --Qufu , Shandong province , and is professional at researching , developing , experimenting and extending the processing technologies of building materials , food , biology , planting and so on and correlated equipments , so it is a high new technological company combining science , industry with business together .Since being established , our company insists on “combing science with application” and combines science research with produce , after tens years developing , it has belonged to Qufu applicable science and technology research department , been science reseach and experiment basic and owned a farming and husbandry company , an animal fine breeds promoting centre and a Boer goats breeding and promoting basic . “ KEYANG ” series of machinery products win widely praises for its good quality and perfect service , and are boomingly saled in many provinces of China , even exported to South Korea and Russia etc , we have owned good economic benefit and social benefit .   KEYNG a company forging ahead tirelessly , a troop with creative talents !   In the new century , KEYANG will insist on sincerity , root in science and technology area , make science and technology applicable and do our best to provide premium service to all the users !

【 12 年 免費會員 】