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超級獵聘人才網 廣告


聯系人:潘戀     手機:18566378522     地址:廣東南海區桂城夏東涌口股份經濟合作社平六路以東工業區廠房(現改為:夏東涌口石龍北路三橫路1號3層)
主營: 立式全自動包裝機;枕式包裝機;電子稱配套包裝機;轉料盤配套包裝機;粉劑螺桿配套包裝機;多功能包裝機;膨化食品包裝機;顆粒包裝機;液體包裝機;面包包裝機;五金包裝機;玩具包裝機;大米包裝機;餅干包裝機;化工類產品包裝機

佛山市凱德森機械有限公司地處中國經濟最活躍、社會發展最迅速的地區——珠江三角洲,是一家從事各種食品包裝機械設計、制造、銷售及服務的高新技術 企業。公司創辦以來,在包裝機械領域已獲得豐富的經驗,擁有多項成熟技術。到目前為止,已發展成為幾十個品種的包裝機系列產品。廣泛適用于食品、醫藥、化工、飼 料、玩具、五金配件等行業的產品包裝。現銷售及服務覆蓋全國各地并遠銷南美、東南亞、東歐、中東等世界上十多個國家。 我們不僅為客戶提供優質可靠的產品,同時還致力于塑料軟包裝的整體解決方案,承接各種標準的包裝機OEM業務,并為客戶提供專業的技術服務支持。熱忱歡迎海內外客商前來參觀指導,我們希望與您共創包裝行業的新輝煌。 FoShan KingSun Machinery Co., Ltd is located in Pearl River Triangle. It is the most energetic and developing economic area in China. Our company is a high-tech enterprise specializing in the design, manufacture, sale and service of food packaging machines. During this period, we have gained rich experience in packaging machinery industry and have developed full-flown technique of several ranges. So far, we have developed scores of type of packing machinery series products and mature technology. These products are applicable for food, medication, chemistry, feed, toy, ironware and other industries. Our products sell well in domestic and exported Southeast Asia, South America, East Europe and the Middle East. We are not only offer the product with good quality but flexible packaging solution. Meanwhile, We have ability to produce kind various standard packaging machine as OEM manufacturer and provide professional services. Warmly welcome friends from all around the world to visit, inspect, and join for our bright future.

【 11 年 免費會員 】