嘉興春天家紡面料有限公司坐落于文豪茅盾的故鄉--水鄉古鎮烏鎮,公司占地面積37000平方米。浙江省桐鄉市烏鎮鎮,毗鄰上海、杭州、蘇州,與320國道、318國道、滬杭高速、申嘉湖高速相銜接,交通便利。 本公司是一家專業生產經緯編麂皮絨,植絨,燙金,復合類面料的外資企業。公司具有先進的設備,專業技術人員及管理人才,致力于復合服裝面料、沙發布的設計開發及生產銷售。公司生產的面料80%進入國際市場,在廣大客戶中贏得了信賴和好評 本公司堅持“以人為本”,做到“講質量,講信用,講服務”,為各界所認同。愿與廣大客戶攜手共進,達到雙贏! Jiaxing Spring Home-textile Fabric Co.,Ltd is a foreign-owned enterprise which specialize in the manufacture of warp-knitted/weft-knitted suede, flocking, gilding, Laminated fabrics. The company possesses advanced equipments, professional technicians and management talents, which is devoted to the design, development, production and sale of composite fabrics. Eighty percent of the production are sold in the international market. They've received reliance and good favorable comments from customers. The company holds to the tenet of people-centered, and attaches great importance to product quality, credit and service, which are identified by all circles. We hope to make progress together with customers and achieve win-win.