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超級獵聘人才網 廣告


聯系人:廖灶金     地址:廣東汕頭金平區金源園2棟2梯102
主營: 智力玩具;電動玩具;遙控玩具;嬰兒玩具;新奇玩具;體育玩具;童車;木制玩具;塑料玩具;工藝禮品;廣告禮品贈品;促銷品

汕頭市翰路玩具有限公司坐落于環境優雅,交通便利的海濱城市—汕頭,是粵東地區專業的玩具、禮品贈品供應商之一,市場涵蓋亞洲、歐美、東南亞、中東、南美以及其他地區。 我司主要供應各類禮品贈品、益智玩具、嬰幼兒玩具、體育玩具、夏日玩具、電動遙控玩具、過家家玩具及各款新奇特玩具等,并可提供OEM、ODM等代加工服務,公司品牌“哈樂”(HELO)自推出以來,以其優良的品質、專業的服務與良好的信譽,得到海內外客戶的肯定與支持,并為國內外多家知名品牌企業提供定制贈品服務! 公司秉承“客戶的滿意是我們{zd0}的追求”的宗旨,全程為客戶提供更完善的服務。一直以來,我們堅持“以信譽求發展、以質量求生存、以市場為導向”的經營理念,贏得廣大海內外客戶的青睞。 我們本著務實、認真、創新之精神,誠意邀請海內外新老客戶前來洽談合作,共謀發展,同創輝煌明天。 聯系方式: 汕頭市翰路玩具有限公司 網站:www.helotoys.cn www.hanlutoys.cn 電話:0754-88786811 88786810 傳真:0754-88990058 全國服務電話:400 602 0754 郵箱 E-MAIL: 廖小姐(Silvia):helotoys@gmail.com helotoys2@gmail.com 劉小姐(Celia):mylysi@gmail.com 劉小姐(Anna):helotoys4@yahoo.com 阿里旺旺:sthuanqiu helotoys4 hanlutoys Shantou HanLu Toys locates in a beautiful harbor city with convenient traffic and pleasant environment. We are one of the most professional exporter and trade service provider on toys and gift and our current service range covers Europe,America,Southeast Asia,Middle East and other areas of the world. Holding the principle of "taking our customers' needs as our most important tasks", we organized a group of professional sales staff and eastablished a powerful service support platform.Following our enter prise spirit of "always be pragmatic,earnest,creative",We strive ourselves to provide classical trader service.Nowadays we've won thousands of customers' trust and orders.And we are always consummating our service. We,HanLu Toys,sincerely welcomed you to be a valued customer and enjoy our full range trade service. We look forward to eastablishing a long term business relationship with you esteemed company! HELO (HK) INDUSTRY CO.,LIMITED. Ms.Silvia Ms.Celia Ms.Anna Tel: 86-754-88786811 Fax: 86-754-88990058 Website: www.hanlutoys.cn E-mail: helotoys2@gmail.com mylysi@gmail.com

【 11 年 免費會員 】