我公司成立于1995年10月,現注冊為金貿祥物資有限公司,其前身為《萬通玉米經銷處》。現公司主要經營品種有:糧食、農副產品、中藥材、煤焦四大類。年經營額700-9000萬元。我公司下設三個子公司,分別經營,統一經銷。糧食主要經營:玉米、小麥、大豆、谷子等。玉米日購量約400T。農副產品主要經營:核桃、核桃仁、柿餅、花椒、黑棗等地方土特產。中藥材主要有:丹參、黃芩、柴胡、青翹、連翹、杏核、山桃核等。煤焦有:國標一、二級焦碳,電煤等。負責鐵路裝車等業務。 Our company was set-up in October, 1995. Registered with the name of Shexian Jinmaoxiang Meteriel Co., Ltd. Its predecessor was WanTong Corn Distribution Department . At present our company operate principal varities which include food, agricultural products&byproduct, Chinese troditional medicinal herbs and char into four major categories. The currant annual turnover of our firm is between 7,000,000-90,000,000 RMB. Our company sets up three subsidiary, seprate bussiness, distribution together. The main bussiness of food are corn, wheat, soybean, cereals etc. The main bussiness of agricultural products&byproduct are walnut, walnut kernel, preserved persimmon, prickly ash, black jujube and the other local specialty. The Chinese troditional medicinal herbs mainly has salvia, baicalin, bupleurum, qingqiao, forsythia, pecan etc. The char mainly has coke (meet international standards level A or level B), steam coal etc. And we also provide rail freight.