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聯系人:張一飛     地址:中國 浙江 杭州市 祥符橋工業園區祥盛路16號4號樓
主營: LED專用電源;LED照明設備;ADSL語音分離器濾波器;高精度對插式電流互感器;LED燈具;specificpowersupply;adsl micro filter;ADSL splitter;precision inductor;ledlightingdevice;led lamps;

杭州宏碩科技有限公司是以生產LED照明設備、ADSL寬帶網用設備、消防用高精度對插式電流互感器等產品為主的高新技術企業。公司自身在LED照明、通信、消費類電子產品等方面有較強的開發設計和生產能力。2001年公司榮獲一項浙江省{yx}科技成果獎;2004年8月弧線式微電機項目被浙江省科技廳評為高新技術項目,2005年至今公司在多個領域獲得十多項專利。目前,公司的主要產品有:大功率LED路燈專用電源模塊、LED日光燈專用電源、LED燈具、LED變光控制器、ADSL數據語音分離器濾波器、高精度對插式電流互感器及客戶委托開發生產的其它電子產品。公司以質量{dy}、誠信為本為宗旨,在產品設計、材料采購、生產加工、成品檢測等各個工序嚴格把關,力爭實現同等質量價格{zy}、同等價格質量{zh0}。 HANGZHOU HONGSHUO TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD is a high-tech enterprise mainly producing led lighting divice,ADSL broadband network facilities, fire-protection inductor with high precision.The company has the strong design, development and manufacturing in the field of led lighting electronic communication,and popular electronic products. The company works with universities to co-design and development and keep good relationship.Achievement: Award for excellent science achievement by Zhejiang Province Government in 2001.Arc Micro-motor in 2004, qualified by Provincial science and technology bureau, as high tech product.The company applied for may patterns in deferent fields since 2005 Business area : LED and the related products, digital communication equipment, the development and manufacture for fire protection electronic products and technical services. At present. our main products are: high-power LED street lamp special power supply module,LED daylight lamp, LED lamps,led variable light controller,ADSL voice data splitter, filter, high-precision inline inductor , and other developed electronic products required by customers.We aim to quality first, integrity-based, and take strict control on the products design ,material procurement, manufacture processing, product testing, and make our effort to achieve the situation that for the same quality, our price is the most favorable and for the same price, our quality is the first class.

【 18 年 免費會員 】