高新電子技術的發展日新月異,業內競爭也日趨激烈,深圳市駿輝源科技有限公司(原康輝電子)從事電子行業十多年,雖然擁有一定的庫存實力和客戶群,但為了使企業規模能持續健康發展壯大,公司一改以往傳統銷售模式,努力將電子行業做成“服務行業”。我們的宗旨是:“幫客戶買東西,而不只是賣東西給客戶”,所以許多與我們交易的客戶{zh1}都能與我們保持良好的朋友關系,原因在于我們會用客戶的角度去采購和配套,提供真正適合客戶需求的產品,而不僅僅是將重點停留在價格質量等問題上。我們期待你的來電,我們將竭盡所能為你服務,我的朋友! With the exponential high-tech electronic development and the intense competition in the filed, Shenzhen JunHuiYuan Technology LTD.,(forme KINGFLY electronic) has been in the electronic field for more than ten years! We have solid and enormous stock and large quantity clients on the market; even so, we try to change our traditional sale mold to serve the sound development of the company, to change the electronic industry into the “service industry”. Our objective: “Instead of selling products to our customers, we help our clients buy what they need”. In this case, we always keep a good relation with our dealers, just because we often put ourselves in the shoes of our customers, providing the most-wanted and needed cargos for them, far more than merely quality and other services. We are looking forward to your call or any other contacts; we sure will spare no effort to serve you, my honorable friends!