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超級獵聘人才網 廣告


聯系人:王嘉林     手機:15901866665     地址:中國 上海 上海市閔行區 松江區泗涇鎮鼓浪路220號
主營: 特種光源;紫外線高壓汞燈;碘鎵燈;鹵素燈;變壓器;電容;機械;

本公司是生產與貿易型公司,專業生產 UV紫外線高壓汞燈、高強紫外線鹵素燈、曬版燈、曝光燈,產品wq采用美國GE石英管材,國際先進工藝精工制造,產品質量穩定可靠,紫外線能量強壽命長。 提供變壓器、鎮流器、電容器、觸發器等配套電器。 專業生產各種UV機、曬版機、IR紅外線烘道、烘道。 提供石英片、鋁風管、陶瓷燈架。 代理經銷進口曝光燈管、UV燈管。 承接各種特殊規格UV燈的定制和進口UV燈的國產替代生產。 提供UV技術咨詢 本公司與廠家在國內印刷行業享有良好的質量及服務聲譽. 公司自建立以來,以質量求生存,以服務求發展. 歡迎新老客戶來電咨詢!!! This company is produces with the trade-type company, the specialized production UV ultraviolet ray high pressure mercury lamp, the excel in ultraviolet ray halogen lamp, exposes to the sun the version lamp, the exposing lamp, the product uses the American GE quartz tubing completely, international advanced craft exquisite manufacture, product quality stable reliable, the ultraviolet ray energy strong life is long. provides the transformer, the ballast, the capacitor, the trigger and so on necessary electric appliance. specialized production each kind of UV machine, the printing-down apparatus, IR infrared dry, to dry said. provides the quartz plate, the aluminum air hose, the ceramic lampstand. the proxy sells on commission imports to make public tube, the UV tube. continues each kind of special specification UV lamp's having custom-made and imports the UV lamp's domestically produced substitution production. provides UV technical advisory work this company and the factory enjoys the good quality and the service prestige in the domestic printing profession. Corporation since has established, strives for the survival by the quality, is sure need by the clothing to develop. welcome the new old customer to come the electricity consultation!!!

【 18 年 免費會員 】