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超級獵聘人才網 廣告


聯系人:劉鴻     手機:13755775599     地址:中國 江西 南昌市東湖區 福州路28號奧林匹克大廈1604室
主營: 毛巾 床單 服裝;

本公司是一家集內銷與外貿于一體的貿易類公司,注冊資金200萬人民幣.主營中高低擋全棉毛巾, 產品有各款提花鍛檔,緞邊毛巾,螺旋、割絨、印花毛巾、浴巾、餐巾、方巾、套巾、品種多達幾十個類別。各種產品做工精細,色澤艷麗,蓬松柔軟,吸溫性強,質地優良。出口國家包括:歐美,日本,韓國,阿拉伯,非洲,墨西哥等.自創辦以來,我們本著誠信經營的原則,積極進取,勇于開拓,經過公司上下不懈努力,公司慢慢壯大.業內公司如需上類產品,請來樣我司必報價并提供品質樣.我們本著誠信、專業、熱忱的宗旨,開拓更大的行銷渠道,擴大市場占有率,挖掘潛在商機,與合作伙伴們共同發展壯大。 JiangXi Huacheng Industry and Trade Co.,Ltd is a company set the domestic and foreign trade integration and trade company, registered capital of 2 million yuan. We mainly handle all sorts of cotton towel. Our products include: Jacquard printed towel, jacquard printed bath towel, cut pile jacquard bath towel, active printed cut pile beach towels, jacquard satin bath towel, spiral satin towel, satin bath towel, jacquard spray bath towel, beach towel, floor towel, tea towel, face towel, square towel, dinner towel, bathrobe, bed sheet, blanket , tapestry, T-shirt, Culture shirt, polo and so on .We can manufacture towels of various sizes and specifications from square towels to towels. The products have many features that others can't be compared: the beautiful flower style, the soft touch, the bright color and the long –time durability, can be washed manually or by washer. The goods of the company sell well not only in supermarket all over the nation but also to overseas areas such as the Southeast Asia , America, Europe , Japan, Korea, Arab, African, and Mexico. All the products are accepted widely and loved. What we expect is not only benefit but also reputation and quality. The general manager Hong Liu gives thanks to numerous customers for their support and care and sincerely expect your visit.

【 18 年 免費會員 】