深圳市晶博威電子有限公司是一家集于開發(fā)、設計生產、銷售、服務為—體的大型股份制企業(yè),三極管主要品種有:可控硅、場效應、肖特基、快恢復、功率管等,外形有TO-3P T0-220 T0-220F T0-251 T0-252 TO-1 26 T0-92 SOT-23。產品品質優(yōu)良,全部環(huán)保無鉛,通過IS09001: 2008質量管理體系認證,CTI環(huán)保認證。 公司始終秉持“客戶的要求就是我們的追求,客戶利益就是我們的利益”之信念與全體員工共勉。堅持自己的經營理念:誠信、超越、敬業(yè)、和諧。為客戶提供的b不僅是zyjl的產品,更倚重于服務、理念的完善,成為跨越的橋梁,溶匯于全球一體化的經濟大潮中。 本公司產品廣泛應用于新能源鋰電池平衡板、電動汽車、電動自行車、通訊、電動工具、LED照明、逆變器、電源、節(jié)能燈、家電等十幾個相關領域。晶博威電子本著誠信至上,服務周到,開拓進取的經營方針,憑借具有現(xiàn)貨,庫存量龐大,種類齊全,價格實惠等優(yōu)勢,發(fā)展成為全國{lx1}的電子元器件制造企業(yè)。 Jbw Electronics Co. Ltd is a set design, development, production in sales, service as one of the larg-escale joint-stock Enterprises, the main varieties are: triode thyristor, FET Schottky, fast recovery, powertube, the shape of T0-3P T0-220 T0-220F T0-251 T0-252 T0-126 T0-92 SOT-23. 3P T0-220 T0-220 FT0-251 T0-252 T0-126 T0-92 SOT-23. All products of good quality, The environment-friendly lead-frae,through the IS09001 :2008 quality management system certiflcatian, CTI enviranmental certification. The company always uphold the "customar's requIrement Is our pUrsuIt, customerlnterests are ourimarests and beliefs' All tha staff encouragement. Adhera to our business philosophy: intagrity, dedicatian,harmony, beyond. For customers to provide not only Lower prices and better quality products, perfect service, rely more heavily on the idea, become across the bridge. merged in the globalintegration The economic tida. This product is widely used in new energy lithium batteW balance board, electric cars, electric bicycles.electric tools.