濰坊正遠粉體工程設備有限公司坐落在濰坊市{gjj}高新技術產業開發區內,是一家集研發、生產、銷售各種粉體加工設備的{gjj}重點高新技術企業。公司總資產1.2億元人民幣,占地46000多平方;公司擁有強大的研發團隊;擁有多項創新技術成果。公司建有全國規模{zd0}的粉體中試基地;擁有各類高精度加工設備百余臺套,在行業內率先通過ISO9001:2000質量管理體系和ISO14001:2004環境管理體系。 Located in Development Zone of Weifang City, Weifang Zhengyuan Powder Engineering Equipment Co.,Ltd belonging to national key High & Tech enterprise is a manufacturer integrating R&D, manufacture and sale, has total assets of RMB 120 million and area of 46000 square meter, strong technological power, numerous technological innovations as well as the largest domestic trial center equipped with high level laboratory ready to do 1:1 industrial test for customer, more than a hundred precision machine tools, and gets ISO 9001:2000 Quality Management System Certificate and ISO 14001:2004 Environmental Management System Certificate. 上海正遠粉體工程設備有限公司位于上海市市級南匯工業園,擁有國際{yl}的粉體中試基地,是濰坊正遠粉體設備有限公司在上海設立的集粉體技術裝備研發、粉體中試、銷售于一體的科技型企業。 Situated in Nanhui Industrial Park, Shanghai, Shanghai Zhengyuan Powder Engineering Equipment Co.,Ltd established by ZHENGYUAN is a scientific and technological company integrating scientific and technological development with industrial test and trade development.. 正遠的產品和技術以低能耗、高精度已成為粉體加工應用的典范。 Our main products such as Impact Mill, Jet Mill and Air Classifier featured with low consumption have become the model in the fine powder processing.