興安縣祥樂永森農場坐落于山水甲天下的桂林興安縣.經過多年的種植嘗試,積累了豐富的種植經驗.主要經營各類木材/竹子,有機水果等:無公害蔬菜白果(銀杏),部份中藥材和觀賞植物.感謝眾客戶一直以來對我方的盛情關照,我們將一如既往的本著誠信為本,健康至上的經營理念,為廣大客戶提供優質的產品和服務. 公司主要服務項目多元發展,例如三農服務,農林業循環可持續開發/投資,環境保護等. We are a factory located in Xinan Guilin which is famous for its water and mountain,With some years experience.We are specializing in various wood/timber/bamboo products,Organic fruits such as orange ,apricot, herbs,Ornamental plants.With our priciple of credit utmost,customer first,we provide our clients good products and warm service. Welcome companies ,buyers and retailers contact us for business and cooperation.