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手機:13486437996     地址:浙江寧海縣西店鎮香石村下田畈村
主營: LED日光燈;LED球泡燈;LED 筒燈;LED天花燈;LED投光燈;LED工礦燈;LED射燈;大功率LED燈珠

寧波百帥照明有限公司更名自寧海縣香山新光燈泡廠,成立于1989年,擁有先進的生產設備來專業生產LED產品 我們的產品有良好的光電性能和安全可靠性,廣泛應用于各種領域,諸如LED日光燈、LED照明燈、LED天花燈、LED燈泡、LED聚光燈、LED洗墻燈、LED投光燈、LED路燈和LED面板燈。 我們擁有現代化企業管理體系和質量控制體系,是一個集封裝燈珠和開發制造成品燈具于一體的全能公司。我們的技術團隊具有很強的開發和設計新產品能力,以滿足消費者的需求。我們有CE和ROSH認證,可靠的質量和良好的信譽為本公司的根本保證,所有這些原則也是公司健康、快速發展的基礎。 我們真誠希望建立長期,雙贏互利的業務關系。 我們期待您的光臨! Ningbo By Shine Lighting Co., Ltd. renamed from Ninghai Xiangshan Xinguang Bulb Factory, which founded in 1989,is professionally engaged in producing LED products with the most advanced production equipment. Our LED products have good photoelectric performance and high reliability, and are widely used in various fields such as LED Tube,LED Floodlight,LED Ceiling Lamp,LED Light Bulb,LED Spotlight Lamp,LED Wall Washer,LED Downlight, LED Street Luminarl Lamp&LED Panel Lamp. With modern corporation management system and QC system, our company is an all-around corporation which encapsulation lamp bead and exploit LED lamps. Our technical team has strong ability to develop and design new products to meet consumers' demand. We have CE and ROSH certificate,reliable quality and good prestige as the fundamental guarantee of our company, all of these principles are the foundation of the development of health quickly. We sincerely hope to establish long-term, win-win and mutual benefit business relations with you. We look forward to your visit!

【 11 年 免費會員 】