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主營: 口哨;騰馬口哨;塑料口哨;銅口哨;鐵口哨;無核哨;兒童口哨;喇叭;運動器材;FOX40口哨;軟木芯口哨;戶外口哨;裁判口哨;吸卡口哨;口哨廠家;定做口哨;塑料盒包裝;鋁合金口哨;不銹鋼口哨;塑料哨子

義烏市學潮文體用品廠創建于1998年,座落在世界小商品城--義烏,物流十分便捷,自主研發生產各種騰馬牌口哨。包含銅鐵口哨、塑料口哨、喇叭、運動器材等產品專業生產加工。工廠坐落于義烏市城西工業區。公司營銷部設在義烏國際商貿城H區25595,義烏市學潮文體用品廠擁有完整、科學的質量管理體系。義烏市學潮文體用品廠的誠信、實力和產品質量獲得業界的認可。歡迎各界朋友蒞臨義烏市學潮文體用品廠參觀、指導和業務洽談。 本著“以質量求生存,以信譽求發展”的服務宗旨,深得同行業以及廣大用戶的一致好評。自創廠以來,承蒙各界朋友的關心和厚愛,經過艱苦創業、銳意改革、精心研究、積極開拓,建立了一個覆蓋全國各地的銷售網絡,推陳出新,精益求精。面對今日之碩果累累,展望未來之輝煌,騰馬仍以自強不息,與時俱進,開拓創新的拼博精神,本著“誠信待人,以質服人”的原則,真誠期待與您的合作,攜手共進,共創美好的明天! Yiwu city Xuechao products factory is established on 1998 , are located in in world petty commodities city- - founded in 1998, is located in the world small commodity city - yiwu, logistics is very convenient, independent research and development production of various who horse card whistle. Contains copper iron whistle, plastic whistle, horn, sports equipment and other products specializing in the production of processing. The factory is located in yiwu west industrial zone. Company sales department is located in yiwu international trade city H area 25595, Welcome to friends from various circles to yiwu student unrest style products factory visit, guidance and business negotiation. Since established, our factory has been due to the from all walks of life friend's care and love, after arduous pioneering, and carrying out reform, the careful research, actively explore and established a sales network cover all over the country, innovation, excellence. In the face of today's countless rich fruits, looking forward to the future of the brilliant, and ten horses still strives constantly forself-improvement, advancing with The Times, pioneering innovation competence, in the spirit of "honesty, quality to him" principle, sincerely look forward to cooperating with you, work together to create a better tomorrow!

【 10 年 免費會員 】