汕頭市智樂玩具有限公司是一家集研發、生產、銷售于一體的現代化玩具企業,公司致力于研發和生產使兒童快樂、提高智力的益智類玩具。工廠設有開發部、PMC、生產部、品管部、財務部,營銷部等部門,所生產的產品獲得了ROHS、CE、EN71、CCC等認證。產品遠銷東南亞、歐美等地區,并在中國各省份設立代理商,公司堅持以“誠信、服務、共贏、感恩”的經營理念,獲得了國內外客戶的一致好評。 公司生產的兒童玩具已成功成為蒙牛、伊利、美贊臣、 可口可樂等飲料奶粉贈品供應商,產品遠銷海內外,部分產品已進入沃爾瑪、家樂福、好又多、易初蓮花等商超。 汕頭市智樂玩具有限公司本著積極務實、嚴謹{gx}、誠信服務的經營原則,愿與有共同經營理念的海內外朋友一起發展,攜手共創未來。 優良的品質,{gx}的服務,汕頭市智樂玩具公司是您選擇的{zj0}合作伙伴! EMAIL:ZILLETOYS@ZILLETOYS.COM TOYS@ZILLETOYS.COM Shantou Zille Toys Co. Ltd. is a modernized toys enterprise which has its own R&D, production and sales ability. The company devotes itself to developing and producing intelligence toys to afford children great pleasure while improving their knowledge. Zille Toys is divided to R&D department, PMC department, production department, QC department, finance department, sales department and so on. Its products can obtain certificates like ROHS, CE, EN71, CCC etc. and enjoy great popularity in the domestic market, Europe, U.S.A., and Southeast Asia. Because of its great management idea: “Integrity, Serving, Win-Win, Gratitude”, both the domestic and foreign customers think highly of the company. Under the business principle of down-to-earth attitude, rigorous progress and sincere service, Zille Toys hopes to cooperate with friends from home and abroad who share the same business concept to build up a great future together. EMAIL:ZILLETOYS@YAHOO.COM.CN ZILLETOYS@163.COM