中山市江發五金制品有限公司是一家鈑金專業制造廠,成立于1995年,位于廣東中山小欖鎮,公司占地面積6000多平方米,專業生產各種燈飾五金數控沖孔加工,激光切割、激光焊接、數控V型刨槽、數控精加工剪折、金屬箱、家俱裝飾五金、專業不銹鋼家俱等各種五金制品。江發秉承“不斷自我創新,滿足客戶要求”的原則,經過10多年努力,本公司已發展成為中型企業公司。 我公司工藝先進,技術精湛,加工種類繁多,設備齊全,引進多臺德國通快激光切割機、剪板機、刨槽機、數控沖床、數控折彎機、各種焊機、拋光機等其它專業鈑金加工設備,生產員工100多人,技術人員30多名, 具有較強的產品研發能力和生產能力。生產出來的產品多年以來取得眾多客戶一致好評與信任。我們熱誠期待與您合作,攜手雙贏,共創輝煌! The river sends the hardware product Limited company is by the stainless steel material specialized manufacture company. Was established in 1985, presently is located at Guangdong Province Zhongshan, the company area 15000 square meters. Our company production equipment vanguard technology strength is abundant, processes well appointed, uses Germany advanced to pass the quick laser (Laser3030) Germany to pass the quick numerical control punch press (Tc2020), the numerical control digs the trough, the numerical control knee bend, the laser welding and so on massive sophisticated equipment processing ; The specialized production's stainless steel furniture the advantage is a cheerful giver* the brand furniture, by fine stainless steel plate and profound processing craft collection in a body's unique furniture, depth successful public figure's like. The company has one group of high quality technical personnel, the collection development, develops in a body, from the product design, the development, the pro. We anticipated warmly cooperates with you, is hand in hand win-win, creates magnificently. the choice *the advantage is a cheerful giver* the brand stainless steel furniture, is choice which the successful public figure savors. Jiangfa Hardware Product Co.,Ltd.