廣東省中山市古鎮利豪廠,是一家專門從事開發.設計并生產銷售燈具的廠家,主要有射燈.工程燈.戶外燈及LED埋地燈系列。產品設計集工藝裝飾照明于一體,多年來,我們憑借良好的質量.合理的價格贏得了國內外客戶的一致好評,產品銷往世界各地。 歐迪產品系列更深得各大廠商認同,質量更加可靠,同時為答謝各大客商的厚愛,我們將繼續努力,產品精益求精,力求盡善盡美,歡迎各大客商來人.來圖.來電,洽商指導! Li Hao Linghting is a factory who does very well in developing,designing,producting and selling. We mainly product all kinds of spotlinght and outside-lamps which widely used in family,school,factory,supermarket,hospital,museum and so on. Because of our good quality,good price and good service,we winned the great honour from our customers all over the world. Specially introduce our brand-----"OH.DI" to you that has better outlooking and better inside-quality. In a word ,we'll try our best for you.If you give us a chance,we'll return you a satisfaction. Wait for visit,advice and orderpaper.Tanks a lat!