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聯系人:王壯壯     手機:18022139216     地址:廣東中山古鎮同益工業園同福北路1號百佳大樓第4棟2樓2區和3樓1、2區
主營: LED大功率投光燈;LED大功率集成光源;LED投光燈;大功率LED投光燈;LED泛光燈

華之杯(中國)成立于2009年,總投資額為2000萬元人民幣,以第四代節能環保光源LED半導體照明為方向,致力于大功率LED封裝的研發、照明燈具生產及銷售為一體的高科技企業。旗下擁有:華之杯配件車床廠,華之杯照明電器廠,華之杯電子門市部,億光源大功率封裝廠。公司設于中國廣東省中山市古鎮鎮,專注于“高光”照明市場,致力打造21世紀LED局部、重點照射高亮節能產品{dy}品牌為公司目標,全力推動LED產業發展為使命,建造和諧LED綠色節能家園!   完善的生產配套系統;{yl}的技術人才;統一的{gx}物流;完善的售后平臺。為華之杯進軍LED局部、重點照明領域奠定良好基礎。同時,以“快樂工作,同享成果”為企業及員工間緊密橋梁;以“狼”獵食的精神為企業搶奪市場的迫切要求;以“才”為{zg}準則,納天下之“賢”!   公司以高光,高亮大功率封裝延伸,始終堅持“高亮”照明領域為方向。產品應用,如:珠寶、鉆石、化妝品店,博物館、畫展館,廣場投射等。 HUA ZHIBEI (CHINA ) LIGHTING CO., LTD. Was established in 2009 with the orientation of the fourth generation energy-serving environmental protection lighting LED .The company is a high-tech entrprise endeavored in interation of the LED packing and R&D , indoor and outdoor lighting production, sales and design.lt includes HUA ZHI BEI lighting factory,sales department and BILLIONRAY high power packing factory. The company headquarter is located in GUZHEN ZHONGSHAN Guangdong China.The company focuses on the high lumen lighting market aiming at building the no.one brand in the LED local and focus lighting energy serving products. HUA ZHI BEI has the well-equipped production system,technicians and uniformed high efficient logistic platform which is laid solid foundation for the company heading in LED high lumen field. Meanwhile the concept of happy work and sharing the success is the closed between the enterprise and employees.The spirit of wolf grabbing foods is the demand of the enterprise to recruit people.The company is seeking for the elite and professional talents.

【 12 年 免費會員 】