浙江蒙州化學有限公司前身為浙江省慶元染料化工廠, 主要從事中gd酸性染料及配套中間體的生產和研發,已有20多年酸性染料生產歷史。公司現有青田和上虞兩個生產基地,在杭州市成立了一個經營公司和一處應用研究所。公司擁有一批高素質的員工隊伍,能夠為客戶提供高品質的產品和售后技術服務。誠信和敬業讓‘冷杉”牌染料享譽世界。
Zhejiang Mengzhou Chemicals Co. Ltd., the former Zhejiang Qingyuan Dyestuff Factory, has been engaged in the R & D and manufacture of acid dyestuff and intermediates for more than 20 years. The company has two manufacturing plants, which are located in Qingtian and Shangyu, and one operation branch office that located in Hangzhou. In addition, a company owned research institute based in Hangzhou is fully dedicated to the application of acid dyeing. The company has lots of experienced employee who can provide superior quality products and timely technical services to customers. With the honest and responsibility, "Lengshan" Brand dyestuff is gained a good reputation in both of the domestic and overseas markets.