UL3111 - 1, CSA1010.1 , EN61010 - 1, EN61010 - 2 - 031 ,和IEC61010 - 2 - 031
P2220 , P2221無源電壓探頭
P2220和P2221的200 MHz無源電壓探頭允許1x或10倍衰減選擇,使用的探頭位于一個開關。
該配備的P2220探頭與TDS200 , TDS1000 ,的TDS1000B , TDS2000 , TDS2000B和TPS2000系列示波器兼容。該配備的P2220探頭還提供浮動測量能力最多到30 V有效值 TPS2000系列示波器與只。 (注:不要用TDS2000浮動, TDS2000B , TDS1000 ,的TDS1000B , TDS200系列示波器或。 )的P2221 MSO2000和DPO2000與系列示波器兼容。
10x Position
Bandwidth - DC to 200 MHz
Probe Length - 1.5 m
Attenuation Ratio - 10:1
Compensation Range -
P2220: 15 to 25 pF
P2221: 10 to 25 pF
Input Capacitance -
P2220: 17.0 pF (typ)
P2221: 17.0 pF (typ)
Input Resistance - 10 MΩ
Maximum Input Voltage - 300 V CAT II
Maximum Voltage Between Reference Lead and Earth Ground - 30 VRMS*1
1x Position
Bandwidth - DC to 6 MHz
Probe Length - 1.5 m
Attenuation Ratio - 1:1
Compensation Range - All oscilloscopes with 1 MΩ input
Input Capacitance -
P2220: 110 pF (typ)
P2221: 110 pF (typ)
Input Resistance - 1 MΩ
Maximum Input Voltage - 150 V CATII
Maximum Voltage Between Reference Lead and Earth Ground - 30 VRMS*1
*1 The float voltage must be subtracted from the tip to earth ground voltage. For example, if the reference lead is floated to 30 VRMS while the probe is in the 10x position, the tip voltage to the reference lead is limited to 270 VRMS.
Ordering Information
Passive Probe, 1x/10x, 200 MHz Passive Voltage Probe.
Includes: Retractable hook tip (013-0107-xx), 6-inch ground lead (196-3466-xx), adjustment tool (003-1433-xx), marker band set (016-1315-xx), Instruction Manual (071-1464-xx).*2
Passive Probe, 1x/10x, 200 MHz Passive Voltage Probe for MSO/DPO2000 Series oscilloscopes.
Includes: Retractable hook tip (013-0107-xx), 6-inch ground lead (196-3466-xx), adjustment tool (003-1433-xx), marker band set (016-1315-xx), Instruction Manual (071-2335-xx).*2
*2 The accessory quantities may differ when multiple probes are shipped with an oscilloscope/probe system.