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廈門手工布偶制作|福州手工布偶制作|福建手工布偶制作 相關信息由 廈門左手右手工藝品有限公司提供。如需了解更詳細的 廈門手工布偶制作|福州手工布偶制作|福建手工布偶制作 的信息,請點擊 http://www.zgmflm.cn/b2b/zsysdiy58329.html 查看 廈門左手右手工藝品有限公司 的詳細聯系方式。



詳細信息 我也要發布信息到此頁面
China's first hand-puppet DIY chain business model "Left hand" is a DIY project focused on the cloth by hand R & D, production, franchise marketing, technical training, materials production, brand management as an integrated company. "Left right" in the country's first company to launch hand-puppet DIY business model! Personality, fashion, creative design and innovative products, DIY puppet patterns loved by students and young people! Less investment and quick return, such as the eight unique investment advantages and flexible business model to become the majority of the six major investment projects of choice for entrepreneurs! As in July 2010 in Xiamen, Fuzhou, Hangzhou, Suzhou, Ningbo, Huzhou, Shenzhen, Chengdu, Haikou, Taiyuan, Xi'an, Xianyang, Ili, Daqing, Quanzhou, Zhangzhou, Putian, Longyan, Sanming, Mianyang, Deyang, Luoyang, Pingdingshan, Sanmenxia, Xingtai, Jinan, Yantai, Nanchang, Yichun, Xinyu, Ganzhou, Pingxiang, Yuncheng, Linfen, Changzhi, Maoming, Yichang, dozens of cities nationwide, with more than 80 agents and stores! And maintain the success of each one to open a shop and opened the first month of each store's impressive performance on the earnings, are now more than 10 new stores a month or agents of the speed of development. Original six DIY business model: A business model: Muppet DIY kits sold; mode II: Finished hand puppet sales; Mode III: custom puppet character; Mode Four: Muppets zoom made; Mode Five: School hand-course; Model Six: Business marketing manual activities. "Left hand" has a great animation, cartoon design team, on the one hand the long-term focus on the original puppet design and development, combined with the most popular animation, cartoon trends and elements of the monthly product innovation, the companies, products and brand in the market is always in leading position; the other hand, is committed to the development of new types of DIY products
鄭重聲明:產品 【廈門手工布偶制作|福州手工布偶制作|福建手工布偶制作】由 廈門左手右手工藝品有限公司 發布,版權歸原作者及其所在單位,其原創性以及文中陳述文字和內容未經(企業庫www.zgmflm.cn)證實,請讀者僅作參考,并請自行核實相關內容。若本文有侵犯到您的版權, 請你提供相關證明及申請并與我們聯系(qiyeku # qq.com)或【在線投訴】,我們審核后將會盡快處理。
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