技術參數/型號 Technical Specifications/Mode JLB-700/700-I JLB-700-I
距1m處 Illumination Lx
1m 80000-120000 80000-120000
色溫(K) Color Temperature 4500±500k 4500±500k
光斑直徑(mm) Dimeter of spot 100-300 100-300
光束深度(mm) Depth of light beam ≥700 ≥700
亮度檔級調光 Brightness adiustment 20檔無級調光(20-grade stepless aiming)
溫升°C(工作區域) Service range for temperature rise ≤10 ≤10
術者頭部溫升°C Temperaturerise on the head of patient under surgical operation ≤2 ≤2
顯色指數(Ra) Color index 93% 93%
紅外線吸收率 infrared ray absorptivity 99% 99%
燈頭直徑(mm) Shift of major and stand by lamps 700+700 700
燈泡功率(24V?W) The average life expectancy of light bulbs 150+150 150
主副燈光自動切換(S) Autoatic shift between majer and minoe light bulhs <0.3S <0.3S
燈泡平均壽命(h) Snice life 1000 1000
旋轉臂左右轉動 Rotating arm around rotation 360° 360°
燈體旋轉 Lights of rotation 180° 180°
電源電壓(AC) Power supply 220v±10%-50Hz 220v±10%-50Hz
輸入功率(W) Input power 400 200
{zd1}安裝高度(mm) Minimum height for installation 2800 2800